Tuesday, November 22, 2011

This was originally a post on reddit.com, that expanded far beyond what that demanded, which was literally "you are ignorant". The poster was saying that basically what is good for business is good for the United States. I disagreed and still disagree. Business in this day has been very bad for all of us, and I wish there were more sense in regulations, beaucracy, etc. Unfortunely, I live in an age where everything has seemed to reach the tipping point. I believe I am a Libertarian Socialist....So my sister coded me!!!! Whatever I am, below is my response to the "Business is good for the US" post. What is good for business is bad for humans. Indisputably, undeniably bad. Profit for medicine? Bad. Profit for utilities? Bad. Profit for roads? Bad. Profit for food? Bad. Profit for schools, bad. Profit for politicians? Particularly bad. Profit off another? I know this is the current system, and I know it pays the bill, but how could we do it different? If you didn't worry about your healthcare, if it was freely available, how would that affect your life? Pretty awesome, huh? If you didn't have to worry about shelter, utilites, or food and clothing? Truly, truly, awesome. Then you could really do what called you. You could dedicate your time and talents to awesomeness. What a dream. It is possible. We have the technology and the resources. We could live like that. Imagine a 10 hour work week and the rest goes to benefitting the arts, or technology, or what ever you want it to? Imagine. The world has the resources, the world has the manpower. The only think lacking is the system. We are living in a failed system. It is crumbling. Our fiat money is just a tool of the capitalistic system, someone making thirty times the money out of someone elses hardearned dollar. 29 imagined dollars to loan for every real dollar and even that is imagined. BOA tranferred many TRILLIONS of dirivatives to it's insured bank sector, the TAXPAYER and nobody said a word. TRILLIONS, got that? Next is Gazillions. All made up. Down the rabbit hole....hello, Alice. This is just a transfer of our labour and production to a non-labour, non-production upper class. Upper, because they have figured out how to steal our labour. How does that feel? Imagine number 1, then imagine 1000 then imagine 1000000000 then imagine 1000000000000. Yeah, we are talking about people that live so far above the common man that there is no imagining it. Imagine being able to literally buy a country. And they have, they have bought ours. Tell me one thing that is produced by business for profit that couldn't be produced by humans for the common good and at a lesser cost. We could have a society that produces for all without profit. I think that would produce a vastly different state of mind. So called job killing social programs are the only thing going for quite a lot of people right now. What else would you do with them? Kill them? Let them starve? Sleep in the streets? Wait until they riot? All happening now. If this is the society you want to live in, I pity you. We could have a society that favored and promoted employee owned inititives. The real humans could be running things at a benefit to themselves and everyone else. If there is profit to made, then let it go to the labour that made it happen. It works. When you are part owner, it makes a hugh difference. The world is owned by labour but in essence we have just forgotten that we are the owners. We have allowed a bunch of scammers come in and run things. Sociapaths are people that CANNOT empathise or sympathise with the evil that has been committed. Socialpaths are currently running things. We are at a time in our history, if we don't understand and realize the socialpathic rule that has engulfed us, we can all die. All of us. Our planet, our souls demand the the return of our rights and our humanity. We have to recognise that we depend on our planet that is being rapidly depleted by BUSINESS. We could consider that we are all equal owners of the earth. If the earths resources were used to the benefit of all the actual co-owners, there would plenty for us all. Because some people and companies lay claim to OUR inheritance, we ALL suffer, the earth's resources are raped and laid waste, and millions suffer. And Corporations? The wonder of a corporation is that no one is held to account. Just some powerful entity that has the money and time to buy a politician or multiples of the same, so they can cast laws and policies that allow their rape and lawlessness. I am haunted by George Carlin. What a genius or at least an honest entertainer. I wish Jon Stewart would live up to him. There are thousands of incidents that prove business takes away from our daily lives. It is all about their profit, holy profit. One(Huge)for instance the wonder plant, cannabis. Said to have at least 25,000 uses that are denied to us because of BUSINESS, namely chemical, petro, paper, and cloth. This plant could produce all that they do, while at a significantly, even stupendous, benefit to the environment, but we are denied it by their interest. Some of the denied benefits, miraculous medicine, clothing, moisteriser, biodegradible plastic, fuel, food. Imagine 25,000 uses the people are being denied by outdated and business friendly policies. OMG.....wake up everybody.....please.....I feel like I have been in a collective nightmare since 1962! Another example is the practice of FRACKING to extract gas from the earth. There are toxic environmental issues associated with this, including, poisoning of natural water systems, wells, and earthquakes. Yes, responsible for earthquakes. Look it up. There are numerous examples I could cite, of corporate practices that are harmful to earth and to us. If you have Google Earth, look at the mountain top extractment that is ongoing. Our planet is being distroyed by business. Yeah, cheap gas? How much does your water cost you? I need water to live. It nutures me and the plants I need. Oh, gas powers fuel......We can do better. There are thermo technologies that work much better. Safe for the environment and people and unending. Do we really want to poison water for petro companies to make a profit when it is unnecessary? Now to jobs, business create jobs. Well, they haven't been. Instead they are forcing the people they still employ to work harder or shipping their jobs to countries that don't have or don't enforce regulation. What a bonus, no minimum wage, no environmental protection, no taxes, just human slavery. And while human production is up like 80% over a few decades in the US, it is no safeguard. Look at all the automation that has taken place. So while the population grows, automation takes over more human jobs, technology expands, less jobs. Maybe we need to rethink. The profit motive is one of the problems along with the "growth" idea. Endless growth is impossible is a finite universe. Maybe we humans need to learn how to take it easy... I think it's time that people woke up and realized the true value of life, which is not how much money you have, or what you own. It would be amazing to live in a world where everyone had adequate food, clothing, shelter and medical attention. Imagine the quiltless existence of living within our and our planets means. Earth is us and we are earth. Got a new planet to go to? Yeah, I didn't think so... I want to open some narrow viewpoints. I hope I have.

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